Thursday, December 20, 2007

Problem with downloading 2008 express editions of MS visual studio line?

You here because you were stoned waiting for downloads to begin from this page , but they didn't. Apparently due to a simple javascript error -- doDownload() function is not defined. But do2005Download() is. But no worries, simply open the page's source and you will find the links in value attributes of OPTION HTML elements...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Web illusions

Web 2.0 is a buzzword, make money out of it while you can, but do not bet on it to stay around for very long. There is no such thing as Web 2.0, but hacks around so called "AJAX" and DHTML. Hacks, which have been silently around for years, until recently, until someone clever realized that money can be made by blowing the buzzword trumpet.

What standards Web 2.0 is based on? "AJAX" -- give me a break -- it's not a standard, but hacks around Microsoft originally introduced XmlHttpRequest class... Else is just DHTML and DOM in plain JS.

As long as HTTP/HTML is around, Web 2.0 is not going to happen. It's inefficient, as of now, and never will be. The whole concept has to change. We need a paradigm shift, not desperate hacks. Do not beat tachnology into submission, don't violate it, or rape. Right now technology is a harlot, a hostage. Not money, but pure practicality must drive webolution. Just like abacus got replaced by more efficient tools, it has to become a necessity, not just fashion trends.

Try to wear those podium designer clothes in your daily commute.

Web 2.0 is just that--a beautiful and expensive cage bird, unable to fly. We need a meteorite impact to cleanse the web from HTTP/HTML/Web2.0 dinosaurs

Friday, September 21, 2007

Safari shows Google coupon feed API page last modified on December 31, 1969

Pretty cool, I wasn't even born yet. Perhaps they have fixed that already by the time you gonna click this link...

Whatever trademarks, mentioned on this page are property of their respective owners

Friday, August 31, 2007

symbol cerr: referenced symbol not found

This happens when you dlopen. Figure which shared object causes it and explicitly link yours against it.

BW_GLOBAL_TRUSTED_CA_STORE - getting it to work on UNIX

If you have ever experienced pain while deploying your EAR in UNIX - something about IO errors in the log... Now the funny part: just use four slashes in the URL, like so:


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Compiling Fluxbox 1.0rc3 on Cygwin

It would choke up on ./configure. To overcome I used:

LDFLAGS='-L/usr/X11R6/lib' LIBS='-lX11' ./configure

Friday, February 09, 2007

Giuliani next US president

How about Giuliani is going to be next US president. Why? Because I have seen it in my dream: a copy of Washington Post dated sometime in November 2008 with Rudy's smiling photo, hands raised -- one with a victory sign, and a headline "Giuliani Won". And for other reasons: the Americans just aren't ready for neither first woman nor first black president. First woman president will will also be black, guess who?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Where the hell am I?

I've been travelling a lot as of late. Switched jobs, you know. Countries too. I've been doing a lot of driving recently, perhaps will start a blog about it one day. Wrecked my old car already, hit a damn deer. The thing was a thousand pounds in weight, at least, totalled the car!